Parent Toddler
Learning swimming is a process and not a product. Therefore, a standard well designed swim lesson plan for infants should be put in place and adhered to by both the teacher and the parent. Infants can be taught swimming and be very good at it.
*Pass hold- is done when the parent’s/teacher’s hands are under the child’s arm pit while both are facing the same direction and the child is beside the one holding them.
Pass 1: Face-above-the-water
Here, with the child held in a horizontal direction, they are gently glided on the surface of the water using pass hold from one point to another in a child pace. The face of the child should always be kept above the waters at this stage. Only when the child has fully demonstrated comfortability with immersing their face in water should the next step be taken.
Pass 2: Brief underwater
This step is similar to step #1 except that here, while the child is gently being glided across the surface of the water, their faces are immersed into the water for 2 seconds. Giving a start signal at any step is advised since this prepares the child to be ready. Care should be taken so that the child should swallow water for health reasons.
Pass 3: Underwater swim
As the child continues to show progress, the duration of facial immersion can be lengthened to such that only 3 or 4 seconds is spent on the surface during a pass. Immersion is not dunking the whole body into the water. Parts of the head and the back should be on the surface as the push is made gently and subtly.
Extended Underwater Swim: Essentially, for a basic swimming lesson, this step is taken as the top most. The length of immersing a child’s face can be extended slightly by one or two seconds.
Level 1: Exploration
Fully submerge face in water
Front and back float with support
Kicking on front and back with support
Enter and exit the water independently
Level 2: Primary Skills
Float on front and back unsupported for 5 sec.
Swim on front 5 yrd without assistance (arms in water “dig arms” or “fives”)
Swim on back 5 yrd without assistance (back float with kicks)
Retrieve objects under water chest deep
Level 3: Stroke Preperation
Swim the front crawl for 10 yds (arms come out of the water)
Swim the back crawl for 10 yds (arms come out of the water)
Jump into the water
Bobs in water over the childs head
Level 4: Stroke Development
Water bobsStanding / kneeling dive from side of the pool
Elementary backstroke for 10 yds
Front & back crawl 25 yds (entire length of pool)
Breaststroke & Sidestroke kick with kickboards
Level 5: Stroke Drills
Front & Back stroke 50 yds
Breaststroke & Sidestroke for 10 yds
Elementary backstroke for 25 yds
Level 6: Skill Proficiency (Swim Team Ready)
Front & Back stroke 100 yds
Breaststroke & Sidestroke 25 yds
Swim butterfly 10 yds
Flip turn
*It is important to note that these levels are just guidelines used for lessons. We will move through these levels at each swimmer's individual pace.